Which is that country where men and women were buried alive before building a bridge? Know why human sacrifices were made!

Which is that country where men and women were buried alive before building a bridge? Know why human sacrifices were made!

You must have seen in movies or serials based on mythology that in ancient times human sacrifices were done. If you think that these are just rumors or imaginary things then perhaps you do not know about Japan. Till the 16th century, there was a shocking practice in Japan. Human sacrifices were done here. That too before building a bridge, fort, or dam! Today we are going to tell you about this practice, which is known as Hitobashira (Hitobashira tradition Japan).

According to the report of the Amusic Planet website, till the 16th century, whenever a fort, bridge or dam was built in Japan, humans were buried alive beneath it (human sacrifices before building bridge Japan), after which the construction work started. This practice was known in Japan as Hitobashira or Da Sheng Zhuang. It was believed that the Feng Shui of the land was disturbed due to digging the earth during the construction of these things. That is, they felt that they were about to do an inauspicious work. Any bad omen could occur during this work or on its completion.

This practice continued till the 16th century, there are many forts and bridges in Japan that have been built under this practice. (Photo: Canva)

This practice was done because of this
For this reason, they used to sacrifice people to reduce bad omens. In this way, they used to please the God so that God could bless them and the structure would not fall prey to any natural disaster or enemy attack. Evidence of this practice can be read in the book Nihon Shoki, based on classic Japanese history. It is believed that the things mentioned in the book are from around 300 AD.

A similar practice was prevalent in China as well
It is claimed that Maruoka Castle in Japan’s Hokiriko province was built under the Hitobashira tradition. Similarly, human sacrifice was done before the construction of Matsue Ohashi Bridge. A similar tradition existed in China, which is known as Sakdulang. In this tradition, a child was thrown into the water near the outlet of a dam during a flood. It was believed that floods could be stopped in this way.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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